Sunday, July 30, 2006

Middle way

Every situation has its middle way
for action that I can enjoy and sustain

I avoid extremes like 'none' and 'all'
Become an expert in finding the way

Living each moment with awareness
allows me to choose without regret

Change is my travel mate always
Choice is alway in front of me

Photograph: main street in Vientiane

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Mind awake
Phone roams
Hands write
Heart warms

Hands roam
Phone quiet
Mind rushing
Heart warmer

Photograph: Blazing tulips


Cool is the ice

Bodies in a swirl
Legs bend and kick
Arms reach ever longer
Bright colors radiating faces
Spiraling energy fuels growth

Fun never ends

Photograph: Skating in Marlborough, MA

Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Woman's Love

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How can I compare a woman’s love?

Invisible at first, budding carefully
When nurtured with care like water

Growing strong in trust like roots
Opposites yield when attraction bonds

Until the earth trembles with the sky
Shedding dust in blooming creativity

Eclipsing memories in joyful exchange
Deep in sharing and high in demand

Nothing compares to a woman’s love

Photograph: flower in Thai Airways lounge in Bangkok

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Life blossoms in the morning

Catch the soundless spectacle

Disturbingly new

Photograph: Morning at Vientiane's Settha Palace Hotel


I love making love
Pulsating energies

Small attentions
Are everywhere

Big attraction
Not often is enough

My eyes are open
My senses keen

I turn to U's freq
Love can be made

Photograph: Art objects at Vientiane's Settha Palace Hotel

Monday, July 10, 2006


Celebrate now
High and low
Experience new vision
Go with the flow

Photograph: Basi ceremony, Thailand, painting in Thai Airways lounge, Bangkok


I learn, I talk, I blog
I kiss, I love, I listen
Who is loving?
Who is restless?
Who wants?
Let go of wanting
Experience and tap
Be open and reach
Be unconventional
Be understanding and kind
Growth means big
Connecting dots
I love connecting
I’m already there

Vientiane, Laos, 7 July 2006

Photograph: Singapore Art Museum, Fiction@Love

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I speak and dream in English
What is my heart’s language?
I feel something is missing
Do I trust that feeling?
Isn’t everything in and around me?
Nothing is mine

Photograph: Elevator panel detail, Intercontinental Hotel Bangkok


A green London cab in Vientiane
Driving me to take off
Another journey
Going nowhere
I am already there

I continue my journey of self-discovery
Relaxing the mind anytime, anywhere
I find that my body follows

Photograph: London cab of the Settha Palace Hotel, Vientiane


Practising calm
Finding my genius and inner power
A peaceful mind is a creative mind
Inner peace is personal power

When I experience stress
I allow the world to influence me
I am not influencing anything

Turn to insperience
Good living is stopping to avoid myself
Get over victimitis
No one can hurt me without my permission
I won’t let anyone else live my life

Inspired by Mike George: The 7 AHA!s of Highly Enlightened Souls

Photograph: Singapore Art Museum, Fiction@Love

Guy in the mirror

I am not the guy in the mirror
I am a great soul
I cannot be hurt or extinguished
I love music, the rhythm of the soul
I am part of the eternal Universe

Photograph: Singapore Art Museum,

No need

Why do I seek so much?
Isn’t everything here?
Am I not complete?
Why do I feel half full?
Why do I seek to fill more?
Attention, love, touch?

I turn inside, with openness
These words keep repeating
There is a message
Look inside and be open
I am a gorgeous soul
Life is everywhere
I join, participate
No need

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Women and I, or Bare

I am becoming larger
Is great following good?

I’ve let Yin nurture my soul
Is it time for Yang to step out?

I am enough, I’m good, I’m great
Is there a shortcut to self-respect?

A woman’s life is not for me to follow
Will bitter evolve into sweet and fragrant?

I’m finding my way on the rock-strewn path
Can a woman’s love stay forever deep and rich?

The answers lie in me, and are born everyday
What I need now is to eat myself slimmer

29 June 2006, after return from a 3-day life break in Singapore

Photo: Fiction@love exhibition, Singapore Art Museum


diving into life
whatever the clothes
focusing on the bigger picture

smile and live each moment positively

29 June 2006

Fiction@Art exhibition, Singapore Art Museum