Sunday, August 27, 2006


Hugging is great
Never mind in what state
I prize togetherness
Souls bonding

We experience freedom
Spreading our wings to fly
From one branch to many
Living totally where we are

Photograph: Street decoration in Stockholm


I keep growing
With love –
Refreshing water

Photograph: Letting Go, Osho Zen Tarot


Purple covers warm
souls exchanging unexpectedly –
Opportunities that knock brightly

Photograph: Thai airplane blanket


Bones falling apart
Too tired –
Traveler, your name

Photograph: Traveling, Osho Zen Tarot


The night casts darkness
Hearts shine –
Dawn for all

Photograph: Existence, Osho Zen Tarot

Thank you Basho

How timeless you are, Basho
Let me follow your steps

Situation or condition
Emphatic punctuation –
Sudden perception

The elements of Haiku

Intense inquiry

I circle the Truth
More awake than before
Problems are my signposts
Healing follows where Chi leads
Becoming whole is my daily journey
Good mood is always a choice

No other road exists for me
I keep eating my frogs
Daily growth continues

Intense inquiry
Brings dawn closer
I go with the flow
My heart warms

Photograph: Intensity, Osho Zen Tarot

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Caring for a nest
Warming the good
Warning outsiders
Nurturing creation

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Spirit of place

Same road traveled again
Car has two passengers only
The others soared westward
A moment of emptiness
A space is connected to friends
Or can I touch its own spirit?
Warm green firs greet me
As I pass by and celebrate

Photograph: place passed