Sunday, December 16, 2007

Silent beat

Silent hart beat

Someone hears -
No pillow jumps warmly

Photograph: Waiting at Indus restaurant, Ubud

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Singing bowl

After rain, quiet

Grey awaits sunlight -
The bowl sings positively

Photograph: Tibetan singing bowl

Leaf growing

The fresh leaf
Has grown taller -

My eye twinkles

Photograph: Living arrangement, 28th Floor, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo

Loud snow

The path snow white
Hidden trail -
Steps cracking loudly

Photograph: Interior zen garden without plants, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Trigger and kick

People doing what they can
According to their experience
Busy with themselves
Letting them be is alright

Triggered to step out
Expanding my zone
A kick to exercise
Starting now!

Photograph: Art work, Singapore Art Museum

Alone forward


is not lonely
can move forward
loves self more
focuses on growth
can smile anytime
likes to see others happy
is easily content
has “can do” attitude
connects with the universe
is a sign of strength
is a celebration!

Photograph: Alone shines in the morning light.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Old and new

Old lives besides new
Flourishes of charm -
Water flows

Photograph: Singapore's river.

Catch the world

Two souls
Striped sun rays -
Catch the world

Photograph: Bench with goldfish.

Rolling down

Rocks rolled down
Earth scorched -
Palms are fluttering

Photograph: Volcanic fertility above Ubud, Bali

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lighten up

Light brings focus
Stuck energy clears –
A stone flows

Photograph: Swedish candle

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Hot and intense
Pungent aroma strikes -
Writing starts again

Photographs: Espresso enjoyed, and writing again